Monday, February 7, 2011

RedR India training on Community based disaster risk management

t has been accepted widely that efforts to reduce disaster risks must be systematically integrated into policies, plans and programmes for sustainable development and poverty reduction, good governance and supported through a multitude of stakeholder partnerships. The experience shows that integration of disaster management in the development driven from the top has not been very effective. Ideas and examples should come from the communities and should feed in to the national policies and plans. The purpose should be to evolve a ‘community owned’ strategy to reduce disaster risk. Building resilient communities that establish such ownership is a complex task. Landmark guidance in reducing the disaster risks has been provided through specific gaps identified by the Yokohama Strategy, viz; (a) Governance: organizational, legal and policy frameworks; (b) Risk identification, assessment, monitoring and early warning; (c) Knowledge management and education; (d) Reducing underlying risk factors; (e) Preparedness for effective response and recovery.

Aim of the training: By the end of the course participants should be able to:  Describe the linkages between disasters & development and concepts of hazard, Risk, and vulnerability assessment.  Describe the basic concepts of underlying CBDP and its relation and distinction between hazard, disaster and emergency.  Explain key DRR measures i.e. preparedness, mitigation and prevention.  Explain tools like CVA, risk register and link it with risk reduction.

Course Outline: This training will be delivered following the community based disaster risk management framework. This approach basically looks at the possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks in a society to prevent or mitigate the adverse impacts of hazards. These set of activities are within the broad context of sustainable development which will be covered during the initial part of the course. The purpose is to clarify the basic concept of CBDRM and examine the new practices. The next part of the training will cover the essential tools for implementing the various stages in CBDRM and looks at strengthening community participation in the risk reduction process. The participants will be able to apply the tools and methodologies of CBDRM in the field and the presentations will be made on the data collected. CBDRM Assessment and Planning is a core part of this training. Concepts such as governance structure for DRR, risk reduction policies, mainstreaming DRR, culture of preparedness, policy development and advocacy will also be dealt in the training course.

Course Fees: If you wish to attend any of the RedR India training courses, please complete the application form and return it with a cheque or Demand draft made out for the correct amount to the RedR office. Full Course Fee: INR 18000 or $ 400 per person This is the actual cost of RedR courses, and is for participants with institutional support and all others who can afford it. Reduced Course Fee: INR 14000 or $ 320 per person This is for all participants without institutional support. Applicants who cannot afford the reduced fee can still apply but should contact the training department ( to discuss their situation or mail Sneha Krishnan (Training Officer) at For more information about RedR visit, You can also write to us at

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